Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Unico nel suo genere, oltre a disporre di 4 ingressi line, 2 mic e 2 phono, consente di inviare il segnale ad una seconda uscita destinata ad esempio ad un secondo amplificatore. Un selettore permette di scegliere quale segnale inviare alla zona2......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Of extremely small dimensions is able to handle up to 6 inputs (2 phono, 2 line, 2 mic). Phono and line can be assigned to two slider while the microphones have rotating drive independently. Two series of LEDs let you track volume levels. Headphone......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Third generation, this small mixer, versatile and compact, is one of the most popular items. Counts with 3 line inputs, 2 phono, 2 mic inputs and a USB reader that can play MP3 songs. The backlit high-definition display, thanks to the circuit ID3......
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